kaam kaaj example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest काम काज kaam kaaj news and headlines :
1. - कुछ लोग ऐसे हैं जो अपने काम काज और व्यापार आदि के लिए गांव से चले गए bhaskar.com2. इससे बैंक के काम काज पर प्रभाव पड़ा है bhaskar.com3. एसबीआई की शाखा में लगी आग, बैंक के सभी तार जले, काम काज प्रभावित bhaskar.com4. क्षेत्र के जनता की परेशानी को देखते हुए विधायक लालजीत सिंह राठिया ने राजस्व विभाग के सुस्त काम काज का मुद्दा सदन में उठाया bhaskar.com
5. सभी प्राइवेट कालेजों से हटाए गए स्ट्रांग रूम, थानों में होगी व्यवस्था 3 वर्ष में निपटा नामातंरण के मात्र 4 प्रकरण, विस में उठा मामला भास्कर न्यूज | धरमजयगढ़ तहसीलों में नव नियुक्त प्रशिक्षु अफसर और प्रशासनीक ढिलाई के कारण विधानसभा क्षेत्र के धरमजयगढ़ व घरघोड़ा तहसील के राजस्व विभाग का काम काज सुस्त गति से चल रहा है bhaskar.com 1. During the first part of the reign, it does not allow the Council to discuss business 2. Examples: woman magistrate, business woman leader, woman-engineer "(Gazette officielle du Québec, July 28 B With a typical value being a woman 3. General renewals are done by large construction sites, in-house or business (BRICKA Courses c 4. Have a great business experience 5. He is involved in the business of financing his villa in Saint-Tropez (Var) - for which he will be indicted January 12, 1995 - and in the case of the funding of the Republican Party he chairs

Given are the examples of hindi word kaam kaaj usage in english sentences. The examples of kaam kaaj are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., chore, business, job.

HCL s business today spans IT hardware manufacturing and distribution, system integration, technology and software services, business process outsourcing, and infrastructure management.

These include guidelines for organisation restructuring, market creation, technology leveraging and business up-scaling.
Like any other business enterprise profits are important for the survival and growth of HCL as an enterprise.
At times, a business may con-centrate more on producing goods with fewer resources i.
S urvival: The basic objectives of any business is survival.
Growth: A business needs to add to its prospects in the long run, for this it is important for the business to grow.
Growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment, etc.
As a part of society, every organisation whether it is business or non-business, has a social obligation to fulfill.
ITC s E-Chaupal initiative is a fine example of a business organisation fulfilling corporate social responsibility.
The E-Chaupal initiative has found its way into the Harvard Business School as a leading case study illustarating the use of modern technology by a leading business house for the benefit of the rural poor.
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